Ledger® Live @ Desktop

Take control of your cryptocurrency portfolio effortlessly with Ledger Live Desktop. Enjoy real-time updates, secure transactions, and comprehensive asset management

As of my last update, Ledger Live does not directly support importing historical transactions. However, you can manually add transactions to Ledger Live to reflect your transaction history. Here are the general steps to do this:

  1. Collect Transaction Information: Gather all the necessary information about your historical transactions. This includes the date, type of transaction (buy, sell, transfer, etc.), asset involved, amount, and any fees paid.

  2. Open Ledger Live: Launch the Ledger Live Desktop application on your computer.

  3. Access Portfolio: Navigate to the portfolio section of Ledger Live where you can see your assets.

  4. Add Account or Transaction: Depending on how you prefer to organize your transactions, you can either add a new account or directly add individual transactions.

    • Add Account: If you want to add a new account for a specific cryptocurrency, you can do so by clicking on "Add Account" and following the prompts to select the asset and enter any required information.

    • Add Transaction: If you prefer to add individual transactions to an existing account, look for an option to manually add transactions within the account view. This option might be labeled differently depending on the version of Ledger Live you're using.

  5. Enter Transaction Details: Fill in the details of the transaction you're adding. This includes the date, type of transaction, asset, amount, fees, and any additional notes you want to include.

  6. Save Transaction: After entering all the necessary information, save the transaction. It should now be reflected in your Ledger Live portfolio.

  7. Repeat for Each Transaction: Repeat the process for each historical transaction you want to add to Ledger Live. Make sure to enter the details accurately to maintain the integrity of your transaction history.

  8. Review and Reconcile: Once you've added all your historical transactions, take some time to review your portfolio and ensure that it accurately reflects your transaction history. You can compare it with your records from other sources to ensure accuracy.

By following these steps, you can manually import historical transactions into Ledger Live Desktop and maintain a comprehensive record of your cryptocurrency activity. Keep in mind that this process can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large number of transactions to input.

Last updated